Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Joy Ride

My cousin and I spent the night with a friend when I was about eleven. We camped out talking the night away not really doing anything interesting. The next morning we got up and close to our campsite there was a horse fenced in on someone else's property. I decided it might be fun to pet the horse and maybe ride it around. So I go up to the horse and pet it (I love horses). Then I actually jump on the back of the horse (unsaddled of course) and it takes off running. I hang on for my life pulling on the mane and holding onto the horse's neck. I look up and notice we are riding toward some trees and through the trees I see a house. I start to panic trying to figure out how to get off this running horse without killing myself. Right before the horse clears the woods and enters the yard in back of the house, I jump off. I land, miraculously, in soft mud and don't get hurt. I pick myself up and start running back to camp. I tell the guys about it and we all get a good laugh about it.

Never get on a horse you are unfamiliar with. I was very lucky. It could have started bucking and I could have been seriously injured. I could have broken my neck jumping off of it. I have to say it was exhilarating but totally not worth it.

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