Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Reunions

Every year our family has a reunion. We take pictures, give out prizes to the oldest and youngest attending, and relive things we have done together and apart. It is a great time.

Everyone brings enough food to feed their families and we all share what we brought. We put it all in a buffet line and pick out what we want. We then take the food to our seats and continue enjoying each other's company.

It is so interesting to listen to the elders relive their past, especially your grandparent's siblings. You learn so much about where you come from and how different things were in the past.

The kids play board games or play outside. The adults play a domino game called 42 or just sit and talk. As a kid, I liked playing basketball after the reunion was over. Everyone would come to the farm and the adults and children would play basketball. I sure miss those days. As an adult, I like to look at the old pictures, listen to the elders, and play 42. Now my children attend the reunions and they play with my cousin's children. It is a very cool experience to see how your cousin's families grow. You grow up with them as children and then poof, they are bringing wives, husbands, and children.

If your family does not have a yearly family reunion, you should try and start a family tradition. It is a good time and you learn a lot about who you are and where you came from. If it is your first time, you should do a little genealogy research on your family line(s) and bring the information you find for all to see. Your reunions may start out small, but keep throwing them every year and it should continue to get larger. Find a large building or park that can hold your family size and have everyone bring food and games.

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